sâmbătă, 17 mai 2014

Run and Buy: Slip Ons

En: I'm assuming it's no breaking news that you need to own several pairs of comfy shoes this season. I mean even Fashion Week Streetsyle was almost no heels and all comfort, plus the options are limitless. If you're the mad fashionista type, you're gonna want to buy some Birkenstocks or other kind of ugly, chunky sandal for summer. If you're the practical kind, you're gonna invest in some Nike Air Max just because they're both extremely comfortable and so in. And if you're the "I only buy pretty stuff" kind of girl, you're gonna probably end up with some beautiful, printes slip ons. There's a lot to choose from below!

Ro: Presupun ca atunci cand la Fashion Week vedem fotografii de streetstyle in care toata lumea alege o forma de tenisi in favoarea stliletto-ului, e clar ca avem liber la incaltaminte comoda primavara asta. Optiunile sunt nenumarate: de la Birkenstock (pentru care nu inteleg fascinatia, dar recunosc ca am niste sandale usor asemanatoare), Nike Air Max sau una din variantele de tenisi colorati de mai jos. Exista o singura regula: cu cat mai comod, cu atat mai bine!

Slip ons crush

duminică, 11 mai 2014

The Casual Weekend Look


En: After a lot of hard school work, a relaxing weeekend, somewhere in the mountains, is all you need to recharge your batteries. Ever since my fiance came in to my life (and dragged me everywhere ouside the city), I discovered how nature has the amazing capacity to give me an energy boost like nothing else and I take advantage of its gifts as often as possible. I'll leave you with the photos (of my relaxed outfit) and the encouragement to take a break every once in a while and un-plug!

Ro: Dupa o saptamana grea, de invatat intens, un weekend relaxant nu e doar de dorit, ci si necesar pentru a incepe o noua saptamana cu bateriile incarcate. De cand l-am cunoscut pe George, logodnicul meu, am invatat cum o zi petrecuta in natura, inconjurata doar de linistea neclintita a brazilor, ma face sa ma simt mai plina de energie decat orice altceva. Asa ca va invit sa va luati cea mai confortabila imbracaminte, tenisii in picioare si sa ne insotiti la o plimabare prin natura!



I was wearing: jacket and top - H&M; velur pants - Bershka; shoes - Nike; sunglasses - Kardashian Collection.
Am purtat: jacheta si top - H&M; pantaloni - Bershka; pantofi - Nike; ochelari de soare - Kardashian Collection.

miercuri, 7 mai 2014

May Wishlist


En: With Graduation just around the corner, I find myself craving nothing but countless pretty dresses this month, so I decided to share my current selection with you. I hope you like them and maybe, if you're in my situation, too or simply on the lookout for a new cute dress, this wishlist will be of help!

Ro: Absolvirea e atat de aproape incat ma astept sa clipesc din ochi de vreo doua ori si sa imi si bata la usa. Asa ca luna asta, nu ma gandesc decat la rochii frumoase, pastelate sau poate negre si cu accesorii colorate? Nu m-am hotarat inca cum va arata tinuta mea de absolvire, dar am gasit atatea variante incat m-am gandit sa le impartasesc si cu voi. Spe sa va fie de folos! Spor la cumparaturi!

1.Vintage Printed Drawstring Chiffon Dress
2.Yellow Flower Beading Dress
3.Yellow Pleated Chiffon Dress
4.Sleeveless Pleated Tutu Dress in Red
5.Perspective Stitching A-line Dress
6.Vintage Printed Round Neck Dress
7.Sleeveless Princess Dress in Black
8.Vintage Dress with Rhinestones in Black

joi, 1 mai 2014

Prague: Part 2

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En: So I already told you how magical the narrow streets in the Old Town felt. But there's much more to Prague and we explored it all. Starting with the Prague Castle, the largest medieval complex in Europe, which offered a magnificient city view and ending with the O2 Arena, which always hosts amazing events (a Robbie Williams concert this time that blew us away). Close to the Castle, if you take a walk up Petrin Hill, there's a mini replica of the Eiffel Tower, which offers yet another beautiful view over the city both at day and night and it's also the largest park in the city. The contrast between how peaceful this place feels and how loud the centre was just minutes before is delightful.
And of course I cannot finish my Prague post without mentioning the Robbie Williams Swing concert, which was an incredible experience. Flawless sound and quality entertainment don't even begin to describe it. I won't share picture of the concert because I never take any (they cannot capture even half of the live experience), but I highly recommend it to you!

Ro: V-am povestit deja despre magia stradutelor inguste din Orasul Vechi. Insa mai sunt atat de multe de facut in Praga si noi am incercat cate putin din toate. Incepand de la Castelul Prazsky, cel mai extins complex medieval din Europa, care ofera o imagine extrem de frumoasa asupra orasului si pana la Arena O2, care gazduieste evenimente incredibile in fiecare an (concertul Robbie Williams "Swings Both Ways" de data asta). In apropierea castelului, de aceeasi parte a raului, se afla dealul Petrin, cu un mini Turn Eiffel in varf si o noua panorama completa a orasului. Dealul in sine e, de fapt, cel mai mare parc al orasului, extrem de linistit, incremenit aproape, in opozitie totala cu centrul galagios prin care am trecut doar cu minute in urma.
Si, bineinteles, nu o sa inchei articolul inainte de a mentiona concertul Robbie Williams, care a fost ireprosabil. Sunet si imagine impecabila si divertisment de cea mai inalta calitate sunt doar cateva din gandurile care mi-au trecut prin minte imediat ce s-a deschis cortina scenei imense de pe O2 Arena. Fotografii nu pot impartasi cu voi pentru ca nu surprind nici macar pe jumatate atmosfera incredibila, dar vi-l recomand cu caldura daca vi se iveste ocazia!

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I was wearing: plaid shirt - H&M; t-shirt - Zara; leather leggings - H&M; rubber boots - River Island, get them HERE; sunglasses - Asos, similar HERE.
Am purtat: camasa - H&M; tricou - Zara; colanti - H&M; botine - River Island, AICI; ochelari de soare - Asos, asemanatori AICI.