luni, 9 septembrie 2013

Wish I Was Wearing: Numbers and Leopards


En: I love how simple yet unexpected this outfit is. I mean this kind of sports inspired t-shirt is everywhere (even I am on the hunt for the perfect one), but I would have never paired it with leopard heels. Simplicity with a twist is definitely my favorite style!

Ro: Pentru ca avem nevoie permanenta de inspiratie, am simtit nevoie sa postez aceasta fotografie descoperita saptamana trecuta. Imi place la nebunie cat de simpla si totusi neasteptata e aceasta combinatie de tricou sport si pantofi cu imprimeu leopard si dupa ce gasesc si eu tricoul perfect, sunt nerbadatoare sa il port cu jeansi si cei mai indrazneti pantofi pe care ii detin :)

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